Sunday, April 30, 2006

POLITICS/TELEVISION: Stephen Colbert, Hero.

I just watched Stephen Colbert's performance last night at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on C-SPAN. One of the bravest things I've ever seen. Colbert was standing literally five feet away from Bush and carved him up but good, Colbert-style. Colbert let the Washington press corps, the rest of the mainstream media and Fox News have it too.Bush was most definitely P-I-S-S-E-D! You bet they'll be shipping Colbert off to Gitmo. They've sent people there for less...


Anonymous said...

They said that Laura Bush "wasn't smiling". That's quite an accomplishment, actually. The last plastic surgery she had made it pretty much impossible to not smile, being as the corners of her mouth had been lifted up so dramatically, along with everything else. The Botox is largely unnecessary, though, as she is too spectacularly tranked-out to register any sort of facial expression.

Stephanie said...

I am so sorry I missed that!

Anonymous said...

Great! Yeah, some property of Colbert's will soon mysteriously burn to the ground, or he'll have some banking snfu. My only question is why were Skunk Baxter and Morgan Fairchild there???:
"Among attendees at the black tie event: Morgan Fairchild, quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, Justice Antonin Scalia, George Clooney, and Jeff "Skunk" Baxter of the Doobie Brothers -- in a kilt."
ENK said...

"Rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenbergh..."

"Washington D.C. is the chocolate city with a marshmallow center and a crispy graham cracker crust of corruption."

Today, the general press says his humor fell flat. But his points were as sharp as ice picks. He gets the Red Badge of Courage for plowing through that skit, undeterred.

steve scariano said...

Clips from it are all over the web, try Crooks And Liars first, which is under "POLITICS" in my links section. Keith Olbermann ran big chunks of it on his MSNBC show tonight, which is repeated at 11pm, and repeated again tomorrow morning at 8am.

steve scariano said...

Skunk Baxter is a huge right wingnut these days, deeply involved in California GOP politics.

steve scariano said...

By the way, you can download the whole Correspondents' Dinner, including all of Colbert's performance, from C-SPAN (sorry for the long url)here:'+association+92nd+Annual+Dinner

Anonymous said...

"Today, the general press says his humor fell flat."

Sometimes silence IS the desired effect.

Colbert RULES for being man enough to 'fall on his sword' knowing that the crowd in the house wouldn't laugh, but that the REAL audience wasn't in the house.


steve scariano said...

And of course he cracked his own meat last night on the Colbert Report, regarding his appearance at the dinner, just as we knew he would. Still, he's the bigger man for it, a bonafide hero in my book.