Saturday, December 17, 2005

POLITICS: It's All Very Simple...

Bush should be impeached, and here's why.

As you mingle through the holiday season with friends, family, co-workers, etc., casually slip this into conversations if and when you can. Don't rely on the mainstream media to do the job for you, cause they won't. Besides, the more folks hear it out of the mouths of people they know, the better the chances they might actually be convinced into agreement. It's all about humanizing and putting this information into plain english. Bush is illegally spying on Americans, and his reasons for doing so are bullshit. Now who could possibly still be down with that, once they know the facts?


Anonymous said...

I really like the New York Dolls DVD.

Anonymous said...

Beth, Stick to the topic, you didn't mention whether you like the New York Dolls dvd. Please comment.