Thursday, September 11, 2008

POLITICS: The View From Over There

A call to arms from my good friend, Tom Lunt:

I've just spent over a week in the United Kingdom, where the prevailing opinion is this: if McCain/Palin are elected, the American experiment is over. They were willing to give us the benefit of the doubt for the last eight years and still have have great hopes for an Obama administration pulling the US out of the fundamentalist swamp, but if he doesn't pull it off, the US will become the permanent pariah of the world–China will control our economy, India will surpass us in technology and education, Russia in military might and the EU and Japan in cultural export. Americans as "stupid, fat, bigoted religious zealots" will no longer be a running joke, it will be an indisputable fact. The world will just write us off. The world is planning–right now– to write us off.

If you haven't given a few bucks to the Obama Campaign, do so immediately. If you have, dig deeper. If you're supporting McPalin, you really should be in a re-education gulag in some bitter-cold, lands-end nowhere. Like Alaska.

1 comment:

Jim Dunn said...

"If you're supporting McPalin, you really should be in a re-education gulag in some bitter-cold, lands-end nowhere."

Love that lefty tolerance.